

Intellithon helps in developing talent, IQ, focus and creativity. It significantly improves reading, writing, communication skills, GK, positive thinking & self confidence.

Over 87000 parents use our platforms to build the true potential of their kids and to keep their kids away from bad effects of Tv/Mobile.

How It Works ?

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Buy Intellithon Platform

3000/- /YEAR

1 Year

Nur – Grade 9

Once you subscribe, you will get a call and an email for user id & password

5000/- /TWO YEARS

2 Years

Nur – Grade 9

Once you subscribe, you will get a call and an email for user id & password


01. What is Unlock ?

Unlock is a home-based digital platform to assist parents to realize the true potential of their children. It is the world’s 1st personalized learning & talent building platform.

02. What is personalized learning?

An education method that is based on unique needs of your child. It is based on mental abilities, strengths and learning nature of the child. It is a highly effective method to build your child’s inclination & engagement in educational activities.

03. What is learning nature?

It’s a preferential way in which anyone can easily absorb, process, comprehend and retain information. In other words, it is a style through which a child can be trained in an effortless manner. 

04. How does unlock work?

First, we conduct cognitive (mental) ability assessment. It is followed by delivering learning activities. daily experiential tasks (30), weekly 4 activities, 50 worksheets per month, (may contain reading, writing, creative, video, physical activities). 

05. What are the key benefits?

Your child becomes a quick learner and a better student. It significantly improves mental processing, creativity, innovation, logical skills, speed, vocabulary, communication, confidence, writing & reading skills. It boosts your child’s natural ability, drastically.

06. What is the best age to start?

No Rocket Science. As early as possible. The younger a child is, the easier it is, to design a great mindset.