
Choose Right Stream
With SooperGuide

A test called Sooperguide is the world’s most advanced and reliable way to find out about a person’s natural ability, how they learn, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Based on Sooperguide analysis, the best teachers and counsellors offer their best advice and counselling services to people who need it.

More than 98% of students choose their career path based on advice from friends and parents, social status, personal preferences, fears or insecurities, or how well other people are doing in their field. There is no scientific method or tool that is used to help students.

How It Works ?


Sooperguide is an online assessment tool for students to make informed career decisions


It’s expert algorithm analyses complete learning nature & mental abilities of students


Based on the analysis it guides you about the most suitable stream and career choices for you.


Buy Career Assesment Test

6500/- /YEAR

1 Year
8th to 12th Grade

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01. Why do I need a Test or Assessment to select a stream?

Right decision making is the key to success. Wrong stream selection leads to failure & frustration in career. Most of the time we select a stream based on parental advice, market trends, school performance, assumptions or guesswork without realizing our strengths. That’s why a scientific & reliable evaluation of your strengths, natural ability & skills help you to pick the right stream so that you can build a great career around.

02. How does Sooperguide Assessment help me?

Sooperguide is the world’s most advanced assessment tool, especially designed for students. It helps you in scientific decision making about what stream you should choose for a great career ahead. It’s a smart, clear & specific tool.

03. What strengths & skills Sooperguide identifies?

Sooperguide is unique & the most advanced assessment that assesses you on 12 key parameters before arriving on a decision. It assesses your Natural ability, Mental Strengths & Abilities namely IQ, Focus, Decision Making Ability and 8 Multiple Intelligences.

04. Why Sooperguide is the best choice for me?

Stream Selection is a very critical decision. It can make or break your life. Most modern day students & parents understand the value of scientific decision making. Sooperguide is scientifically validated, highly reliable & standardized assessment tool developed by CRACSLAB. It’s research documentation is published. Most of other available tests are not standardized.

05. When should I start thinking about stream selection, 8th-9th or 10th?

The most preferred time is after mid-session of 8th-9th Grade. This gives you enough time to adjust & learn more about it. Common sense says that identifying your strengths as early as possible gives you the best results.

06. Which stream is the best for a high paying profession or career? Arts, Medical, Commerce or Non-Medical?

All careers can pay you well, provided you are the best in that field. Look around! Most successful people are those who are working in the field of their natural ability or strength, whether they are from Arts background or Commerce, Medical or Non-Medical field. For a high paying job or a great career, you should be well aware of your core strengths, and sharpen your brain skills like focus, creativity, and intellect.