
We work on life changing missions

We look at the whole way a child learns and give them activities that are tailored to their needs. This helps them improve their core learning skills and mental abilities. Your child will have a lot more self-confidence as a result.

Our Solutions

“An amazing tool for parents who believe in practical approach”

Unlock understands a child’s full learning nature and gives them activities that are tailored to their needs. This helps them learn core skills and improve their mental abilities. He or she will have a lot more self-confidence as a result.

It’s a platform that has been scientifically proven to be useful for kids between the ages of 3 and 14.

How does it work?

Before we do anything else, we do a cognitive (mental) ability test. It is then followed by giving learning activities. Experiential tasks happen every day: 1-2 per day, 4 activities per week, 50 worksheets per month (may contain reading, writing, creative, video, physical activities).

Cognitive Assessment
Personalized Activities
Parenting Platform

Intellithon helps in developing talent, IQ, focus and creativity. It significantly improves reading, writing, communication skills, GK, positive thinking & self-confidence.

It is a highly effective and immensely popular platform for parents to engage their kids in practical talent building activities to eliminate Tv-mobile addiction.

Monthly Rewards
The Leaders – Top 5 positions in leaderboard
The Best – Activity star of the month
3 Category Winners – Best activity in each category

More than 98% students select their career stream by following advice of their friends or parents, or by looking at social status of others, personal liking, fears or insecurities. No scientific method or guidance tool is followed.

Why Needs Expert Advisor

Sooperguide is the world’s most advanced & reliable assessment to test natural ability, learning nature, strengths & weaker areas of students. Top educators and counsellors offer their expert guidance and counseling services based on Sooperguide analysis.

Sooperguide is an online assessment tool for students to make informed career decisions
It’s expert algorithm analyses complete learning nature & mental abilities of students
Based on the analysis it guides you about the most suitable stream and career choices for you

Test your child on the following parameters

  1. Self Confidence
  2. Mindset Maturity
  3. Competitive Edge
  4. Business Sense
  5. Family Bonding
  6. Scientific Temperament
  7. Calculation Skills
  8. Memory Skills
  9. Etiquette & Manners
  10. Personality

