Parents Teaching Daughter At Home

Why parenting is important ?

Parenting is one of the most important and challenging roles that a person can undertake. It is a lifelong process that plays a crucial role in shaping the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development of children. The way in which parents raise their children has a significant impact on their children’s future and the future of society as a whole.

One of the most important aspects of parenting is providing children with a sense of security and belonging. Parents are often the first people that children form attachments to, and these early relationships play a crucial role in shaping children’s ability to form healthy relationships throughout their lives. Parents also provide children with a sense of stability and continuity, which helps to buffer them from the stresses and challenges of life.

Parents also serve as role models for their children. Children learn from observing and imitating their parents, and parents have the opportunity to teach their children values and social norms. Parents who model positive behaviors, such as honesty, kindness, and responsibility, are more likely to raise children who exhibit those same behaviors. Parents also have the opportunity to teach their children about the importance of education and hard work, which can help to set them up for success in the future.

Parenting also plays a critical role in shaping children’s self-worth and self-esteem. Parents who provide their children with love, support, and encouragement are more likely to raise children who have a positive sense of self-worth. On the other hand, parents who are critical, judgmental, or neglectful can contribute to children developing low self-esteem.

In addition to providing children with a sense of security, belonging, and self-worth, parents also serve as the primary source of support and guidance for their children. As children grow and develop, they are faced with a variety of challenges and decisions that can be difficult to navigate. Parents can help their children by providing them with guidance and support, helping them to develop the skills and confidence they need to make good decisions and navigate the complexities of life.

Another important aspect of parenting is providing children with structured and consistent discipline. Discipline helps children learn to control their impulses and make good decisions. It also teaches them to take responsibility for their actions and to respect the rights and property of others. Parents should establish clear and consistent boundaries and consequences for behavior. This helps children understand what is expected of them and what will happen if they do not meet those expectations.

In conclusion, parenting plays a vital role in shaping the future of our society through the development of healthy, well-adjusted individuals. It is a challenging, but ultimately rewarding process that requires love, patience, and dedication. Parents have the opportunity to provide their children with a sense of security and belonging, serve as role models, shape children’s self-worth and self-esteem, provide support and guidance, and establish structured and consistent discipline. By fulfilling these responsibilities, parents can help their children to reach their full potential and become responsible and productive members of society.

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5 ways to keep kids away from smartphones ?

1. Encourage Outdoor Play
Encourage your kids to do outside activities like gardening, watering plants, walks with pets, parks, etc. A bored child demands the phone to have fun. Outdoor activities distract them from their phones.
These days’ kids have lost their sense of humour. They become antisocial and busy with their phones, affecting their mental and physical health.


2. Work with Creativity
Engaging your kids in creative activities may distract them from their phones. You can give them chores that help develop their thinking, which is crucial for a child’s growth. The phone weakens children’s minds and hinders their performance. Playing games indoors and outdoors is a good way to get your child involved in creativity.

Children must also create, explore, study, play, imagine, and generate new ideas in order to grow properly. This means no stress or other mobile distractions. Giving your child a smartphone is one of the primary causes of mental boredom and inactivity. When they are addicted to mobile, they perform poorly and do not obey.They are always on social media or playing antisocial online games, and their originality is lost.

3. Fun Events
You can plan family outings to distract your child from using their phone. You can invite their friends over and let them play games, cook, etc. They can cook their favourite delicacies, bake a cake, take them to parties every weekend, and so on.
Encourage your kids to play sports, draw, paint, read books, etc. to keep them productive. These activities keep children busy and forget to use mobile. You can also teach kids not to use mobile phones by telling them stories at bedtime.

4. Limit Screen Time
Setting a screen time limit for each app is also beneficial. If you set a screen time limit, kids can’t use their phones after that. Set screen time based on your child’s age.
Younger children can have 1–2 hours per day on their phones, while older children can have 2–3 hours per day on their phones and access educational websites.
Kids aged 8 to 18 spend roughly 7.5 hours each day watching TV, utilising smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other devices to pass the time.Kids spend much of their time staring at a screen, causing eye damage. Setting a screen time limit is therefore crucial.

5. Unique and standardized solution: Intellithon

Today’s parents are so preoccupied with their phones that they rarely spend time with their kids. This will harm children as parents should spend more time with them.
Instead of liking Instagram photos, playing games, chatting, etc., you can turn off the internet and spend time with your family.
You can increase parent-child bonding with our unique platform called Intellithon. It helps to stay busy in positive activities always. It helps in developing talent, IQ, focus and creativity. It significantly improves reading, writing, communication skills, GK, positive thinking & self-confidence.

This strengthens family bonds and makes children happy and educated.

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